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Assembly Source File
388 lines
name td
title TD.ASM --- time & date formatting
page 55,132
; TD.ASM --- Time and Date Formatting Functions
; Copyright (C) 1988 Ziff Communications Co.
; Ray Duncan * PC Magazine
; This module contains six public routines:
; TCVT convert time to ASCII
; DCVT convert date to ASCII
; SYSTCVT convert current time to ASCII
; SYSDCVT convert current date to ASCII
; DIRTCVT convert time in directory format to ASCII
; DIRDCVT convert date in directory format to ASCII
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
cbuff db 34 dup (0) ; current country info
dbuff db 8 dup (' ') ; date formatting buffer
tbuff db 11 dup (' ') ; time formatting buffer
; filled in by 'getctry'
doffs dw 0 ; offset of ASCII day
moffs dw 0 ; offset of ASCII month
yoffs dw 0 ; offset of ASCII year
; date format determined
; by Int 21H Func. 38H
dtab dw mdy ; 0 = USA format
dw dmy ; 1 = Europe format
dw ymd ; 2 = Japan format
mdy dw dbuff+3 ; USA: month day year
dw dbuff
dw dbuff+6
dmy dw dbuff ; Europe: day month year
dw dbuff+3
dw dbuff+6
ymd dw dbuff+6 ; Japan: year month day
dw dbuff+3
dw dbuff
_DATA ends
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:DGROUP
public dcvt ; make routines available
public tcvt ; to Linker
public systcvt
public sysdcvt
public dirtcvt
public dirdcvt
sysdcvt proc near ; format system date
; BX = length
; DS:SI = buffer
; preserves all registers
push ax ; save registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah,2ah ; func. 2AH = get date
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
call dcvt ; convert to ASCII
pop dx ; restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
ret ; back to caller
sysdcvt endp
systcvt proc near ; format system time
; BX = length
; DS:SI = buffer
; preserves all registers
push ax ; save registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah,2ch ; func. 2CH = get time
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
call tcvt ; convert to ASCII
pop dx ; restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
ret ; back to caller
systcvt endp
dirdcvt proc near ; format directory date
; AX = directory date
; BX = length
; DS:SI = buffer
; preserves all registers
push ax ; save registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov dx,ax ; isolate months & days
and dx,01ffh
mov cl,3 ; position month
shl dx,cl
shr dl,cl ; position day
mov cl,9 ; position year
shr ax,cl
add ax,1980
mov cx,ax
call dcvt ; convert to ASCII
pop dx ; restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
ret ; back to caller
dirdcvt endp
dirtcvt proc near ; format directory time
; AX = directory time
; BX = length
; DS:SI = buffer
; preserves all registers
push ax ; save registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov dx,ax ; isolate seconds field
and dx,1fh ; and position it
mov cl,9 ; (includes seconds*2)
shl dx,cl
mov cl,3 ; position hours
shr ax,cl
mov cl,2 ; position minutes
shr al,cl
mov cx,ax
call tcvt ; convert to ASCII
pop dx ; restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
ret ; back to caller
dirtcvt endp
dcvt proc near ; format ASCII date
; BX = length
; CX = year (1980+)
; DH = month (1-12)
; DL = day (1-31)
; DS:SI = buffer
; length clamped to 8
; destroys AX BX CX DX
cmp bx,8 ; make sure length OK
jle dcvt1
mov bx,8 ; too long, use 8 max
dcvt1: push es ; save registers
push di
push si
push bx
call getctry ; get country info
mov si,moffs ; convert month
mov al,dh
call b2dec
mov si,doffs ; convert day
mov al,dl
call b2dec
mov si,yoffs ; convert year,
sub cx,1900 ; corrected to 80-99
mov al,cl
call b2dec
mov ax,ds ; transfer ASCII date
mov es,ax ; to caller's buffer
mov si,offset DGROUP:dbuff
pop cx ; buffer length
pop di ; buffer address
push di
rep movsb ; copy string
pop si ; restore registers
pop di
pop es
ret ; return to caller
dcvt endp
tcvt proc near ; format ASCII time
; BX = length
; CH = hour
; CL = minute
; DH = second
; DL = hundredths
; DS:SI = buffer
; length clamped to 11
; destroys AX BX CX DX
cmp bx,11 ; make sure length OK
jle tcvt1
mov bx,11 ; too long, use 11 max
tcvt1: push es ; save registers
push di
push si
push bx
call getctry ; get country info
mov al,ch ; convert hours
mov si,offset DGROUP:tbuff
call b2dec
mov al,cl ; convert minutes
add si,3
call b2dec
mov al,dh ; convert seconds
add si,3
call b2dec
mov al,dl ; convert hundredths
add si,3
call b2dec
mov ax,ds ; transfer ASCII time
mov es,ax ; to caller's buffer
mov si,offset DGROUP:tbuff
pop cx ; buffer length
pop di ; buffer address
push di
rep movsb ; copy string
pop si ; restore registers
pop di
pop es
ret ; return to caller
tcvt endp
b2dec proc near ; convert binary 0-99
; to two ASCII digits.
; AL = value
; DS:SI = storage address
; destroys AX
aam ; divide AL by 10 ->
; AH = quot., AL = rem.
add ax,'00' ; convert to ASCII
xchg ah,al
mov [si],ax ; and store digits
ret ; back to caller
b2dec endp
getctry proc near ; get country information
test doffs,-1 ; did we already get info?
jnz getc4 ; if we did, just exit
push ax ; save registers
push bx ; (in case destroyed by
push cx ; Int 21H Function 38H)
push dx
mov ax,3000h ; Fxn. 30h = get DOS vers.
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
or al,al ; is it version 1.x?
jz getc1 ; yes, jump
push ax ; save MS-DOS version
mov ax,3800h ; get current country info
mov dx,offset DGROUP:cbuff
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
pop ax ; restore MS-DOS version
jc getc1 ; jump if get cntry failed
cmp al,3 ; is it version 3.x?
jne getc2 ; jump if version 2
; MS-DOS version 3...
mov al,cbuff+9 ; get decimal separator
mov bh,cbuff+11 ; get date separator
mov bl,cbuff+13 ; get time separator
jmp getc3
getc1: ; version 1.x or get
; country info failed,
; force date format=mdy
mov word ptr cbuff,0
getc2: ; versions 1.x and 2.x,
mov al,'.' ; force decimal separator
mov bh,'/' ; force date separator
mov bl,':' ; force time separator
getc3: mov tbuff+8,al ; store decimal separator
mov tbuff+2,bl ; store time separators
mov tbuff+5,bl
mov dbuff+2,bh ; store date separators
mov dbuff+5,bh
; set date field offsets
; using country info
mov bx,word ptr cbuff
shl bx,1 ; date code*2=dtab index
mov bx,[bx+dtab]
mov ax,[bx] ; offset for ASCII day
mov doffs,ax
mov ax,[bx+2] ; offset for ASCII month
mov moffs,ax
mov ax,[bx+4] ; offset for ASCII year
mov yoffs,ax
pop dx ; restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
getc4: ret ; back to caller
getctry endp
_TEXT ends